Matias Cattaneo - Uncertainty Quantification in Synthetic Controls with Staggered Treatment Adoption

Seminars - Applied Microeconomics
Matias D. Cattaneo, Princeton University
12:30pm - 1:45pm
Alberto Alesina Seminar Room 5-E4-SR04 - Floor 5 - via Roentgen 1

Paper joint with Yingjie Feng (Tsinghua University), Filippo Palomba (Princeton University), and Rocio Titiunik (Princeton University).



We propose principled prediction intervals to quantify the uncertainty of a large class of synthetic control predictions (or estimators) in settings with staggered treatment adoption, offering precise non-asymptotic coverage probability guarantees. From a methodological perspective, we provide a detailed discussion of different causal quantities to be predicted, which we call causal predictands, allowing for multiple treated units with treatment adoption at possibly different points in time. From a theoretical perspective, our uncertainty quantification methods improve on prior literature by (i) covering a large class of causal predictands in staggered adoption settings, (ii) allowing for synthetic control methods with possibly nonlinear constraints, (iii) proposing scalable robust conic optimization methods and principled data-driven tuning parameter selection, and (iv) offering valid uniform inference across post-treatment periods. We illustrate our methodology with an empirical application studying the effects of economic liberalization in the 1990s on GDP for emerging European countries. Companion general-purpose software packages are provided in Python, R and Stata.


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