
Our Mission

The Department of Economics provides a dynamic research environment in which faculty members and distinguished visitors conduct both applied and theoretical research in all areas of economics. The department is actively involved in the international academic job market to hire its junior and senior faculty.

The core mission of the department is to conduct first-rate research in economics and to follow the best practices of the international scientific community.

Its faculty includes Fellows of the Econometric Society, past presidents of the European Economic Association, editors and members of the editorial boards of leading journals in Economics, recipients of competitive grants (e.g., by the European Research Council and the National Science Foundation), and winners of prestigious awards and fellowships, such as the Y. Jahnsson award by the European Economic Association or the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship. The Head of the Department is Tito Boeri.

Some members of the department act as consultants for international organizations, such as the IMF, the World Bank, the IDB, the United Nations, the European Commission and the European Central Bank, and are regular columnists in national and foreign newspapers.

Members of the department are actively engaged with the scientific activities of some of Bocconi's research centers, such as Baffi Carefin, IGIERGREEN and LEAP.

Doctoral studies

Welcome to Bocconi PhD in Economics and Finance

We designed our program for highly qualified and motivated students who wish to acquire world-class research skills and pursue academic careers in economics, finance, and accounting.

The program is multidisciplinary in nature and features three tracks (curricula):

Economics, Finance, and Accounting – linked by a common core.

The program comprises two year of structured course work followed by guided transition into research. Bocconi places high weight on advising, mentoring and supporting students throughout their studies, and especially in preparation for the international job market.

Our PhD classes benefit from the interaction among students from all over the world, with backgrounds not only in economics, finance and accounting, but also other quantitative disciplines such as engineering, mathematics, physics and statistics. 

Faculty Positions

The Department of Economics is actively involved since many years in the international academic job market to hire its faculty and has been the first at Bocconi University to introduce tenure track positions and Assistant Professorships.

Excellence in research is the criterion that underpins the department’s strategy when selecting and hiring new faculty members, together with a strong focus on teaching activities.

Over time the Department has built an excellent track record in attracting top junior and senior scholars. The high number of European Research Council grants awarded to these scholars bears testament to their excellence, and it is also thanks to them that Bocconi is now one of the top recipients of ERC grants in Economics in Europe.

In this year Junior Job Market, we have hired Erika Deserranno, Sarah Eichmeyer, Rafael Jimenez and Marta Prato.