Pamela Giustinelli

Pamela Giustinelli

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Bocconi University and Associate Editor at The Economic Journal. 

I hold affiliations to:

  • Bocconi's IGIER, LEAP, and CovidCrisisLab;
  • GRINS Foundation, through the GRINS Project (Spoke 6); 
  • U of Oslo's Department of Economics, through the DoPE Project; 
  • U of Essex's ESRC-MiSoC, through the Network on Preferences and Expectations; 
  • U of Chicago's HCEO Working Group, through the Family Inequality Network; 
  • U of York's HEDG, through the Health Econometrics and Data Group.

I received a PhD in Economics from Northwestern University, a MSc in Economics from Bocconi, and a BA in Economics and Business from the University of Verona. Before moving to Bocconi, I had the privilege of working in the US Health and Retirement Study division of the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan, to which I continue to be affiliated as an adjunct research assistant professor. 

Assistant Professor
Download the cv (115.01 KB)

Here are some new areas and projects on which I have been working with different sets of coauthors:

Risk perceptions and compliance behavior with respect to the Covid-19: measures in the UK and Italy

For Better or Worse? Subjective Expectations and Cost-Benefit Trade-Offs in Health Behavior: An application to lockdown compliance in the United Kingdom, with Gabriella Conti (UCL)

How Malleable Are COVID-19 Related Perceptions? Evidence from a light-touch information-&-sensitization intervention, with Gabriella Conti (UCL) and Martina Rovetto (Warwick)

Cross-disciplinary civics and climate change education in Italian secondary schools

Classes: Climate Literacy, Attitudes, and Secondary Schooling, with Stefano Carattini (GSU) and Marcella Veronesi (UVerona and DTU)

CFOs’ expectations and firm performance

Inconsistent CFOs, with Stefano Rossi (Bocconi)

Research interests

I am an applied microeconometrician interested in uncertainty, heterogeneity, and measurement. My research deals with the economics and econometrics of individuals' subjective expectations and other subjective phenomena, and their role in microeconomic behavior under uncertainty. My research combines theory, theory-based survey measurement, and econometrics, and has often a human capital angle, while spanning applications in economics of education, family, health, labor, climate change, firms, and intersections of theirs.


Since her joining Bocconi, Pamela Giustinelli has been teaching a number of courses in econometrics and empirical methods at the undergraduate, graduate, and PhD levels. 

Currently, Pamela teaches Empirical Methods for Economics (Introduction to Econometrics) in the Bocconi’s BIEF undergraduate program, Econometrics for Big Data in the Bocconi’s DS&BA graduate program, and Microeconometrics in the Bocconi’s Ph.D. program in Economics & Finance.