Publications Forthcoming Adda, Jerome; Pinotti, Paolo; Tura, GiuliaThere's more to marriage than love: the effect of legal status and cultural distance on intermarriages and separationsJOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, Forthcoming Boeri Tito; Garnero Andrea; Luisetto Lorenzo GiovanniNon-compete agreements in a rigid labor market: the case of ItalyTHE JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS & ORGANIZATION, Forthcoming Aydogan, Ilke; Berger, Loic; Bosetti, ValentinaUnraveling ambiguity aversionTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, Forthcoming Carnehl, Christoph; Schneider, JohannesA quest for knowledgeECONOMETRICA, Forthcoming Decarolis, Francesco; Li, Muxin; Paternollo, FilippoCompetition and defaults in online searchAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: MICROECONOMICS, Forthcoming Decarolis, Francesco; Fisman, Raymond; Pinotti, Paolo; Vannutelli, SilviaRules, discretion, and corruption in procurement: evidence from Italian Government contractingJOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY MICROECONOMICS, Forthcoming Deserranno, Erika; León-Ciliotta, Gianmarco; Witoelar, FirmanWhen transparency fails: financial incentives for local banking agents in IndonesiaTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, Forthcoming Deserranno, Erika; Nansamba, Aisha; Qian, NancyThe impact of NGO-provided aid on government capacity: evidence from UgandaJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, Forthcoming Nunnari, Salvatore; Zapal, JanA model of focusing in political choiceTHE JOURNAL OF POLITICS, Forthcoming Ottaviani, Marco; Wickelgren, Abraham L.Approval regulation and learning, with application to timing of merger controlTHE JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS & ORGANIZATION, Forthcoming Denicolò, Vincenzo; Panunzi, FaustoCommon ownership, competition and corporate governanceMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, Forthcoming Akcigit, Ufuk; Pearce, Jeremy; Prato, MartaTapping into talent: coupling education and innovation policies for economic growthTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, Forthcoming Prato, MartaThe global race for talent: brain drain, knowledge transfer, and growthQUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, Forthcoming Forni, Mario; Gambetti, Luca; Granese, Antonio; Sala, Luca; Soccorsi, StefanoAn American macroeconomic picture: supply and demand shocks in the frequency domainAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. MACROECONOMICS, Forthcoming Forni, Mario; Gambetti, Luca; Sala, LucaDownside and upside uncertainty shocksJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, Forthcoming Dmitriy Sergeyev; Chen Lian; Yuriy GorodnichenkoThe Economics of Financial StressTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, Forthcoming Teso, EdoardoInfluence-Seeking in U.S. Corporate Elites' Campaign Contribution BehaviorTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, Forthcoming Atella, Vincenzo; Ceschin, Nicola; Decarolis, FrancescoProcuring medical devices: the price effect of mergers among orthopedic prostheses producersJOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS, Forthcoming Masciandaro, Donato; Profeta, Paola; Romelli, DavideWomen and governance: central bank boards and monetary policyAMERICAN LAW AND ECONOMICS REVIEW, Forthcoming Bellodi, Luca; Morelli, MassimoPolity size and the congested budget: evidence from italian municipalitiesTHE JOURNAL OF POLITICS, Forthcoming Ash, Elliott; Morelli, Massimo; Vannoni, MatiaMore laws, more growth? Evidence from U.S. statesJOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, Forthcoming Colantone, Italo; Ottaviano, Gianmarco; Stanig, PieroA popular backlash against globalization?CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY, Forthcoming Békés, Gábor; Ottaviano, Gianmarco I. P.Cultural homophily and collaboration in superstar teamsMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, Forthcoming Vincenzo Denicolò; Michele PoloAcquisitions, Innovation and the Entrenchment of MonopolyRAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, Forthcoming Diego Comin; Javier Quintana; Tom Schmitz; Antonella TrigariRevisiting Productivity Dynamics in Europe: A New Measure of Utilization-Adjusted TFP GrowthJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, Forthcoming2025 Bossavie, Laurent; Goerlach, Joseph-Simon; Ozden, Caglar; Wang, HeTemporary migration for long-term investmentJOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS, 20252024 Fujiwara, Thomas; Müller, Karsten; Schwarz, CarloThe effect of social media on elections: evidence from the United StatesJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2024 Alsan, Marcella; Eichmeyer, Sarah BeateExperimental evidence on the effectiveness of nonexperts for improving vaccine demandAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. ECONOMIC POLICY, 2024 Adda, Jerome; Ottaviani, MarcoGrantmaking, grading on a curve, and the paradox of relative evaluation in nonmarketsQUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 2024 Draca, Mirko; Schwarz, CarloHow polarised are citizens? Measuring ideology from the ground-upECONOMIC JOURNAL, 2024 Müller, Karsten; Schwarz, CarloFrom apprentice to president? Entertainment TV and US electionsTHE LEADERSHIP QUARTERLY, 2024 Cestone, Giacinta; Fumagalli, Chiara; Kramarz, Francis; Pica, GiovanniExploiting growth opportunities: the role of internal labour marketsTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, 2024 Holz, Justin; Jimenez Duran, Rafael; Laguna-Müggenburg, EduardoEstimating the distaste for price gouging with incentivized consumer reportsAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. APPLIED ECONOMICS, 2024 Barrot, Jean-Noël; Bonelli, Maxime; Grassi, Basile; Sauvagnat, JulienCausal effects of closing businesses in a pandemicJOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICS, 2024 Panunzi, Fausto; Pavoni, Nicola; Tabellini, GuidoEconomic shocks and populismECONOMIC JOURNAL, 2024 Bose, Paul; Lupo, Lorenzo; Habibi, Mahyar; Hovy, Dirk; Schwarz, CarloBeyond the stats: realities, perception, and social media discourse on povertyAEA PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS, 2024 Sebastian Hager; Carlo Schwarz; Fabian WaldinerMeasuring Science: Performance Metrics and the Allocation of TalentTHE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2024 Carnehl, Christoph; Schmidt, Peter; Stenzel, AndrePricing for the stars: dynamic pricing in the presence of rating systemsMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2024 Boeri, Tito; Gamalerio, Matteo; Morelli, Massimo; Negri, MargheritaPay-as-they-get-in: attitudes towards migrants and pension systemsJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, 2024 Delfino, AlexiaBreaking gender barriers: experimental evidence on men in pink-collar jobsTHE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2024 Coviello, Decio; Deserranno, Erika; Persico, Nicola; Sapienza, PaolaEffect of mood and worker incentives on workplace productivityTHE JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS & ORGANIZATION, 2024 Favero, Carlo A.; Melone, Alessandro; Tamoni, AndreaMonetary policy and bond prices with drifting equilibrium ratesJOURNAL OF FINANCIAL AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS, 2024 Giustinelli, Pamela; Shapiro, Matthew D.SeaTE: Subjective ex ante Treatment Effect of Health on RetirementAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. APPLIED ECONOMICS, 2024 Alfano, Marco; Goerlach, Joseph-SimonTerrorism and education: evidence from instrumental variables estimatorsJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 2024 Guy Aridor; Rafael Jimenez Duran; Ro’ee Levy; Lena SongThe Economics of Social MediaJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE, 2024 George Beknazar-Yuzbashev; Rafael Jimenez Duran; Mateusz StalinskiA Model of Harmful Yet Engaging Content on Social MediaAEA PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS, 2024 Clark, Todd E.; Huber, Florian; Koop, Gary; Marcellino, MassimilianoForecasting US inflation using Bayesian nonparametric modelsTHE ANNALS OF APPLIED STATISTICS, 2024 Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, MassimilianoCapturing macroeconomic tail risks with Bayesian vector autoregressionsJOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING, 2024 Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, Massimiliano; Mertens, ElmarAddressing COVID-19 outliers in BVARs with stochastic volatilityTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, 2024 Bilbiie, Florin; Monacelli, Tommaso; Perotti, RobertoStabilization vs. redistribution: the optimal monetary-fiscal mixJOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS, 2024 Morelli, Massimo; Ogliari, Laura; Hong, LongPower mismatch and civil conflict: an empirical investigationECONOMIC POLICY, 2024 Bellodi, Luca; Morelli, Massimo; Vannoni, MatiaA costly commitment: populism, economic performance, and the quality of bureaucracyAMERICAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, 2024 Honda, Jun; Inderst, Roman; Ottaviani, MarcoWhen liability is not enough: regulating bonus payments in markets with adviceMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2024 Auster, Sarah; Pavoni, NicolaOptimal delegation and information transmission under limited awarenessTHEORETICAL ECONOMICS, 2024 Forni, Mario; Gambetti, Luca; Maffei-Faccioli, Nicolò; Sala, LucaNonlinear transmission of financial shocks: some new evidenceJOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING, 2024 Abraham, Samira S.; Lanzara, Gianandrea; Lazzaroni, Sara; Masella, Paolo; Squicciarini, Mara P.Spatial and historical drivers of fake news diffusion: evidence from anti-Muslim discrimination in IndiaJOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS, 2024 Lanzara, Gianandrea; Lazzaroni, Sara; Masella, Paolo; Squicciarini, Mara P.Do bishops matter for politics? Evidence From ItalyJOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS, 2024 Juhász, Réka; Squicciarini, Mara P.; Voigtländer, NicoTechnology adoption and productivity growth: evidence from industrialization in FranceJOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 2024 Trigari, Antonella; Gorn, AlexeyAssessing the stabilizing effects of unemployment benefit extensionsAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. MACROECONOMICS, 20242023 Adda, Jerome Frans; Dustmann, ChristianSources of wage growthJOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 2023 Sisco, Matthew R.; Constantino, Sara M.; Gao, Yu; Tavoni, Massimo; Cooperman, Alicia D.; Bosetti, Valentina; Weber, Elke U.Examining evidence for the finite pool of worry and finite pool of attention hypothesesGLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS, 2023 Carnehl, Christoph; Schneider, JohannesOn risk and time pressure: when to think and when to doJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2023 Carnehl, Christoph; Fukuda, Satoshi; Kos, NenadEpidemics with behaviorJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, 2023 Eichmeyer, Sarah; Zhang, JonathanPrimary care providers’ influence on opioid use and its adverse consequencesJOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS, 2023 Alfano, Marco; Goerlach, Joseph SimonTerrorism, media coverage and education: evidence from al-Shabaab attacks in KenyaJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2023 Goerlach, Joseph SimonBorrowing constraints and the dynamics of return and repeat migrationJOURNAL OF LABOR ECONOMICS, 2023 Le Barbanchon, Thomas; Ubfal, Diego; Araya, FedericoThe effects of working while in school: evidence from employment lotteriesAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. APPLIED ECONOMICS, 2023 Monacelli, Tommaso; Sala, Luca; Siena, DanieleReal interest rates and productivity in small open economiesJOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS, 2023 Monacelli, Tommaso; Quadrini, Vincenzo; Trigari, AntonellaFinancial markets and unemploymentJOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICS, 2023 Osnabrügge, Moritz; Ash, Elliott; Morelli, MassimoCross-domain topic classification for political textsPOLITICAL ANALYSIS, 2023 De La Roca, Jorge; Ottaviano, Gianmarco; Puga, DiegoCity of dreamsJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2023 Giavazzi, Francesco; Iglhaut, Felix; Lemoli, Giacomo; Rubera, GaiaTerrorist attacks, cultural incidents, and the vote for radical parties: analyzing text from TwitterAMERICAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, 20232022 Adda, Jérôme; Dustmann, Christian; Goerlach, Joseph-SimonThe dynamics of return migration, human capital accumulation, and wage assimilationTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, 2022 Battaglini, Marco; Sciabolazza, Valerio Leone; Patacchini, Eleonora; Peng, Sidaeconet: an R package for parameter-dependent network centrality measuresJOURNAL OF STATISTICAL SOFTWARE, 2022 Battaglini, Marco; Patacchini, Eleonora; Rainone, EdoardoEndogenous social interactions with unobserved networksREVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, 2022 Anastasia, Giacomo; Boeri, Tito; Kudlyak, Marianna; Zholud, OleksandrThe labor market in Ukraine: rebuild betterRebuilding Ukraine: principles and policies, 2022 Boeri, Tito; Garibaldi, Pietro; Moen, Espen R.In medio stat victus: labor demand effects of an increase in the retirement ageJOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS, 2022 Basso Gaetano; Boeri Tito; Caiumi, Alessandro; Paccagnella, MarcoUnsafe Jobs, labour market risk and social protectionECONOMIC POLICY, 2022 Grubb, Michael; Okereke, Chukwumerije; Arima, Jun; Bosetti, Valentina; Chen, Ying; Edmonds, James; Gupta, Shreekant; Köberle, Alexandre; Kverndokk, Snorre; Malik, Arunima; Sulistiawati, Linda YantiIntroduction and framingIPCC, 2022: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2022 Van Vuuren, Detlef P.; Zimm, Caroline; Busch, Sebastian; Kriegler, Elmar; Leininger, Julia; Messner, Dirk; Nakicenovic, Nebojsa; Rockstrom, Johan; Riahi, Keywan; Sperling, Frank; Bosetti, Valentina; Cornell, Sarah; Gaffney, Owen; Lucas, Paul L.; Popp, Alexander; Ruhe, Constantin; Von Schiller, Armin; Schmidt, Jorn O.; Soergel, BjoernDefining a sustainable development target space for 2030 and 2050ONE EARTH, 2022 Bosetti, Valentina; Dennig, Francis; Liu, Ning; Tavoni, Massimo; Weber, Elke U.Forward-looking belief elicitation enhances intergenerational beneficenceENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE ECONOMICS, 2022 Drouet, Laurent; Bosetti, Valentina; Tavoni, MassimoNet economic benefits of well-below 2°C scenarios and associated uncertaintiesOxford Open Climate Change, 2022 A'Hearn, Brian; Delfino, Alexia; Nuvolari, AlessandroRethinking age heaping: a cautionary tale from nineteenth-century ItalyTHE ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW, 2022 Eichmeyer, Sarah; Zhang, JonathanPathways into opioid dependence: evidence from practice variation in emergency departmentsAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. APPLIED ECONOMICS, 2022 Hensel, Lukas; Witte, Marc; Caria, Stefano; Fetzer, Thiemo; Fiorin, Stefano; Goetz, Friedrich M.; Gomez, Margarita; Haushofer, Johannes; Ivchenko, Andriy; Kraft-Todd, Gordon; Reutskaja, Elena; Roth, Christopher; Yoeli, Erez; Jachimowicz, Jon M.Global behaviors, perceptions, and the emergence of social norms at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemicJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION, 2022 Giustinelli, PamelaExpectations in educationHandbook of economic expectations, 2022 Pamela Giustinelli; Charles F. Manski; Francesca MolinariTail and center rounding of probabilistic expectations in the health and retirement studyJOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 2022 Giustinelli, Pamela; Manski, Charles F.; Molinari, FrancescaPrecise or imprecise probabilities? Evidence from survey response related to late-onset dementiaJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2022 Iovino, Luigi; La'O, Jennifer; Mascarenhas, RuiOptimal monetary policy and disclosure with an informationally-constrained central bankerJOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS, 2022 Cunat, Alejandro; Deak, Szabolcs; Maffezzoli, MarcoTax cuts in open economiesREVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, 2022 Foroni, Claudia; Marcellino, Massimiliano; Stevanovic, DaliborForecasting the Covid-19 recession and recovery: lessons from the financial crisisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING, 2022 Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, MassimilianoNowcasting tail risk to economic activity at a weekly frequencyJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 2022 Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, MassimilianoCorrigendum: Measuring uncertainty and its impact on the economy (vol. 100, pg. 799, 2018)THE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, 2022 Carriero, Andrea; Corsello, Francesco; Marcellino, MassimilianoThe global component of inflation volatilityJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 2022 Bai, Yu; Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, MassimilianoMacroeconomic forecasting in a multi-country contextJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 2022 Carriero, Andrea; Chan, Joshua; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, MassimilianoCorrigendum to “Large Bayesian vector autoregressions with stochastic volatility and non-conjugate priors” [J. Econometrics 212 (1) (2019) 137–154]JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 2022 Gratton, Gabriele; Morelli, MassimoOptimal checks and balances under policy uncertaintyINTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2022 Nichter, Simeon; Nunnari, SalvatoreDeclared support and clientelismCOMPARATIVE POLITICAL STUDIES, 2022 Henry, Emeric; Loseto, Marco; Ottaviani, MarcoRegulation with experimentation: ex ante approval, ex post withdrawal, and liabilityMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2022 Campo, Francesco; Mendola, Mariapia; Morrison, Andrea; Ottaviano, GianmarcoTalents and cultures: immigrant inventors and ethnic diversity in the age of mass migrationJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2022 Serafinelli, Michel; Tabellini, GuidoCreativity over time and space: a historical analysis of European citiesJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GROWTH, 2022 Schivardi, Fabiano; Sette, Enrico; Tabellini, GuidoCredit misallocation during the European financial crisisECONOMIC JOURNAL, 20222021 Berger, Loic; Berger, Nicolas; Bosetti, Valentina; Gilboa, Itzhak; Hansen, Lars Peter; Jarvis, Christopher; Marinacci, Massimo; Smith, Richard D.Rational policymaking during a pandemicPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2021 Jan David Bakker; Stephan Maurer; Jörn-Steffen Pischke; Ferdinand RauchOf mice and merchants: connectedness and the location of economic activity in the Iron ageTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, 2021 Boeri, Tito; Ichino, Andrea; Moretti, Enrico; Posch, JohannaWage equalization and regional misallocation: evidence from Italian and German provincesJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2021 Peng, Wei; Iyer, Gokul; Bosetti, Valentina; Chaturvedi, Vaibhav; Edmonds, James; Fawcett, Allen A.; Hallegatte, Stephane; Victor, David G.; Van Vuuren, Detlef; Weyant, JohnClimate policy models need to get real about people - here's howNATURE, 2021 Decarolis, Francesco; Rovigatti, GabrieleFrom mad men to maths men: concentration and buyer power in online advertisingTHE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2021 Di Tillio, Alfredo; Ottaviani, Marco; Sørensen, Peter NormanStrategic sample selectionECONOMETRICA, 2021 Goerlach, Joseph-Simon; Motz, NicolasSpillovers and strategic interaction in immigration policyJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, 2021 Barrot, Jean-Noël; Grassi, Basile; Sauvagnat, JulienSectoral effects of social distancingAEA Papers and Proceedings, 2021 Luigi IovinoLiquidity insurance with market informationJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2021 Golosov, Mikhail; Iovino, LuigiSocial insurance, information revelation, and lack of commitmentJOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 2021 Auster, Sarah; Kos, Nenad; Piccolo, SalvatoreOptimal pricing, private information and search for an outside offerRAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 2021 Hensvik, Lena; Le Barbanchon, Thomas; Rathelot, RolandJob search during the COVID-19 crisisJOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS, 2021 Le Barbanchon, Thomas; Rathelot, Roland; Roulet, AlexandraGender differences in job search: trading off commute against wageQUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 2021 Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, MassimilianoNo-arbitrage priors, drifting volatilities, and the term structure of interest ratesJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 2021 Giraitis, Liudas; Kapetanios, George; Marcellino, MassimilianoTime-varying instrumental variable estimationJOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 2021 Bilbiie, Florin; Monacelli, Tommaso; Perotti, RobertoFiscal policy in Europe: controversies over rules, mutual insurance, and centralizationTHE JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES, 2021 Gratton, Gabriele; Guiso, Luigi; Michelacci, Claudio; Morelli, MassimoFrom Weber to Kafka: political instability and the overproduction of lawsTHE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2021 Vannoni, Matia; Ash, Elliott; Morelli, MassimoMeasuring discretion and delegation in legislative texts: methods and application to US statesPOLITICAL ANALYSIS, 2021 Nunnari, SalvatoreDynamic legislative bargaining with veto power: theory and experimentsGAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, 2021 Bergemann, Dirk; Ottaviani, MarcoInformation markets and nonmarketsHandbook of industrial organization, 2021 Thierry Mayer; Marc J. Melitz; Gianmarco I. P. OttavianoProduct mix and firm productivity responses to trade competitionTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, 2021 Schmitz, TomEndogenous growth, firm heterogeneity and the long-run impact of financial crisesEUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2021 Alberto Martin; Enrique Moral-Benito; Tom SchmitzThe financial transmission of housing booms: evidence from SpainTHE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2021 Müller, Karsten; Schwarz, CarloFanning the flames of hate: social media and hate crimeJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2021 Fetzer, Thiemo; Schwarz, CarloTariffs and politics: evidence from Trump’s trade warsECONOMIC JOURNAL, 2021 Mehrotra, Neil R.; Sergeyev, DmytroDebt sustainability in a low interest rate worldJOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS, 2021 Mehrotra, Neil; Sergeyev, DmytroFinancial shocks, firm credit and the Great RecessionJOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS, 2021 Giampaolo Bonomi; Nicola Gennaioli; Guido TabelliniIdentity, beliefs, and political conflictQuarterly Journal of Economics, 2021 Matejka, Filip; Tabellini, GuidoElectoral competition with rationally inattentive votersJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2021 Battaglini, MarcoCoalition formation in legislative bargainingJOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 2021 Torres, Carlos; Ogbu-Nwobodo, Lucy; Alsan, Marcella; Stanford, Fatima Cody; Banerjee, Abhijit; Breza, Emily; Chandrasekhar, Arun G.; Eichmeyer, Sarah; Karnani, Mohit; Loisel, Tristan; Goldsmith-Pinkham, Paul; Olken, Benjamin A.; Vautrey, Pierre-Luc; Warner, Erica; Duflo, EstherEffect of physician-delivered COVID-19 public health messages and messages acknowledging racial inequity on black and white adults’ knowledge, Beliefs, and practices related to COVID-19: a randomized clinical trialJAMA NETWORK OPEN, 2021 Alsan, Marcella; Stanford, Fatima Cody; Banerjee, Abhijit; Breza, Emily; Chandrasekhar, Arun G.; Eichmeyer, Sarah; Goldsmith-Pinkham, Paul; Ogbu-Nwobodo, Lucy; Olken, Benjamin A.; Torres, Carlos; Sankar, Anirudh; Vautrey, Pierre-Luc; Duflo, EstherComparison of knowledge and information-seeking behavior after general COVID-19 public health messages and messages tailored for black and atinx communities: a randomized controlled trialANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, 2021 Breza, Emily; Stanford, Fatima Cody; Alsan, Marcella; Alsan, Burak; Banerjee, Abhijit; Chandrasekhar, Arun G.; Eichmeyer, Sarah; Glushko, Traci; Goldsmith-Pinkham, Paul; Holland, Kelly; Hoppe, Emily; Karnani, Mohit; Liegl, Sarah; Loisel, Tristan; Ogbu-Nwobodo, Lucy; Olken, Benjamin A.; Torres, Carlos; Vautrey, Pierre-Luc; Warner, Erica T.; Wootton, Susan; Duflo, EstherEffects of a large-scale social media advertising campaign on holiday travel and COVID-19 infections: a cluster randomized controlled trialNATURE MEDICINE, 2021 Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, MassimilianoUsing time-varying volatility for identification in Vector Autoregressions: an application to endogenous uncertaintyJOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 2021 Masciandaro, Donato; Romelli, DavideTwin peaks and central banks : economics, political economy and comparative analysisThe Cambridge handbook of Twin Peaks financial regulation, 2021 Lee, Lung-Fei; Liu, Xiaodong; Patacchini, Eleonora; Zenou, YvesWho is the key player? A network analysis of juvenile delinquencyJOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS, 20212020 Jerome Adda; Christian Decker; Marco OttavianiP-hacking in clinical trials and how incentives shape the distribution of results across phasesPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2020 Leonardo Bursztyn; Georgy Egorov; Stefano FiorinFrom extreme to mainstream: the erosion of social normsTHE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2020 Calvano, Emilio; Polo, MicheleStrategic differentiation by business models: free-to-air and pay-TVECONOMIC JOURNAL, 2020 Squicciarini, Mara PasquamariaDevotion and development: religiosity, education, and economic progress in nineteenth-century FranceTHE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2020 Mark Gertler; Chris Huckfeldt; Antonella TrigariUnemployment fluctuations, match quality, and the wage cyclicality of new hiresTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, 20202019 Alesina, Alberto; Favero, Carlo; Giavazzi, FrancescoAusterity : when it works and when it doesn't2019 Forni, Mario; Gambetti, Luca; Sala, LucaStructural VARs and noninvertible macroeconomic modelsJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 2019
Adda, Jerome; Pinotti, Paolo; Tura, GiuliaThere's more to marriage than love: the effect of legal status and cultural distance on intermarriages and separationsJOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, Forthcoming
Boeri Tito; Garnero Andrea; Luisetto Lorenzo GiovanniNon-compete agreements in a rigid labor market: the case of ItalyTHE JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS & ORGANIZATION, Forthcoming
Aydogan, Ilke; Berger, Loic; Bosetti, ValentinaUnraveling ambiguity aversionTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, Forthcoming
Decarolis, Francesco; Li, Muxin; Paternollo, FilippoCompetition and defaults in online searchAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: MICROECONOMICS, Forthcoming
Decarolis, Francesco; Fisman, Raymond; Pinotti, Paolo; Vannutelli, SilviaRules, discretion, and corruption in procurement: evidence from Italian Government contractingJOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY MICROECONOMICS, Forthcoming
Deserranno, Erika; León-Ciliotta, Gianmarco; Witoelar, FirmanWhen transparency fails: financial incentives for local banking agents in IndonesiaTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, Forthcoming
Deserranno, Erika; Nansamba, Aisha; Qian, NancyThe impact of NGO-provided aid on government capacity: evidence from UgandaJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, Forthcoming
Nunnari, Salvatore; Zapal, JanA model of focusing in political choiceTHE JOURNAL OF POLITICS, Forthcoming
Ottaviani, Marco; Wickelgren, Abraham L.Approval regulation and learning, with application to timing of merger controlTHE JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS & ORGANIZATION, Forthcoming
Denicolò, Vincenzo; Panunzi, FaustoCommon ownership, competition and corporate governanceMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, Forthcoming
Akcigit, Ufuk; Pearce, Jeremy; Prato, MartaTapping into talent: coupling education and innovation policies for economic growthTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, Forthcoming
Prato, MartaThe global race for talent: brain drain, knowledge transfer, and growthQUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, Forthcoming
Forni, Mario; Gambetti, Luca; Granese, Antonio; Sala, Luca; Soccorsi, StefanoAn American macroeconomic picture: supply and demand shocks in the frequency domainAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. MACROECONOMICS, Forthcoming
Forni, Mario; Gambetti, Luca; Sala, LucaDownside and upside uncertainty shocksJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, Forthcoming
Dmitriy Sergeyev; Chen Lian; Yuriy GorodnichenkoThe Economics of Financial StressTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, Forthcoming
Teso, EdoardoInfluence-Seeking in U.S. Corporate Elites' Campaign Contribution BehaviorTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, Forthcoming
Atella, Vincenzo; Ceschin, Nicola; Decarolis, FrancescoProcuring medical devices: the price effect of mergers among orthopedic prostheses producersJOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS, Forthcoming
Masciandaro, Donato; Profeta, Paola; Romelli, DavideWomen and governance: central bank boards and monetary policyAMERICAN LAW AND ECONOMICS REVIEW, Forthcoming
Bellodi, Luca; Morelli, MassimoPolity size and the congested budget: evidence from italian municipalitiesTHE JOURNAL OF POLITICS, Forthcoming
Ash, Elliott; Morelli, Massimo; Vannoni, MatiaMore laws, more growth? Evidence from U.S. statesJOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, Forthcoming
Colantone, Italo; Ottaviano, Gianmarco; Stanig, PieroA popular backlash against globalization?CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY, Forthcoming
Békés, Gábor; Ottaviano, Gianmarco I. P.Cultural homophily and collaboration in superstar teamsMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, Forthcoming
Vincenzo Denicolò; Michele PoloAcquisitions, Innovation and the Entrenchment of MonopolyRAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, Forthcoming
Diego Comin; Javier Quintana; Tom Schmitz; Antonella TrigariRevisiting Productivity Dynamics in Europe: A New Measure of Utilization-Adjusted TFP GrowthJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, Forthcoming
Bossavie, Laurent; Goerlach, Joseph-Simon; Ozden, Caglar; Wang, HeTemporary migration for long-term investmentJOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS, 2025
Fujiwara, Thomas; Müller, Karsten; Schwarz, CarloThe effect of social media on elections: evidence from the United StatesJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2024
Alsan, Marcella; Eichmeyer, Sarah BeateExperimental evidence on the effectiveness of nonexperts for improving vaccine demandAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. ECONOMIC POLICY, 2024
Adda, Jerome; Ottaviani, MarcoGrantmaking, grading on a curve, and the paradox of relative evaluation in nonmarketsQUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 2024
Draca, Mirko; Schwarz, CarloHow polarised are citizens? Measuring ideology from the ground-upECONOMIC JOURNAL, 2024
Müller, Karsten; Schwarz, CarloFrom apprentice to president? Entertainment TV and US electionsTHE LEADERSHIP QUARTERLY, 2024
Cestone, Giacinta; Fumagalli, Chiara; Kramarz, Francis; Pica, GiovanniExploiting growth opportunities: the role of internal labour marketsTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, 2024
Holz, Justin; Jimenez Duran, Rafael; Laguna-Müggenburg, EduardoEstimating the distaste for price gouging with incentivized consumer reportsAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. APPLIED ECONOMICS, 2024
Barrot, Jean-Noël; Bonelli, Maxime; Grassi, Basile; Sauvagnat, JulienCausal effects of closing businesses in a pandemicJOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICS, 2024
Bose, Paul; Lupo, Lorenzo; Habibi, Mahyar; Hovy, Dirk; Schwarz, CarloBeyond the stats: realities, perception, and social media discourse on povertyAEA PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS, 2024
Sebastian Hager; Carlo Schwarz; Fabian WaldinerMeasuring Science: Performance Metrics and the Allocation of TalentTHE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2024
Carnehl, Christoph; Schmidt, Peter; Stenzel, AndrePricing for the stars: dynamic pricing in the presence of rating systemsMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2024
Boeri, Tito; Gamalerio, Matteo; Morelli, Massimo; Negri, MargheritaPay-as-they-get-in: attitudes towards migrants and pension systemsJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, 2024
Delfino, AlexiaBreaking gender barriers: experimental evidence on men in pink-collar jobsTHE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2024
Coviello, Decio; Deserranno, Erika; Persico, Nicola; Sapienza, PaolaEffect of mood and worker incentives on workplace productivityTHE JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS & ORGANIZATION, 2024
Favero, Carlo A.; Melone, Alessandro; Tamoni, AndreaMonetary policy and bond prices with drifting equilibrium ratesJOURNAL OF FINANCIAL AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS, 2024
Giustinelli, Pamela; Shapiro, Matthew D.SeaTE: Subjective ex ante Treatment Effect of Health on RetirementAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. APPLIED ECONOMICS, 2024
Alfano, Marco; Goerlach, Joseph-SimonTerrorism and education: evidence from instrumental variables estimatorsJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 2024
Guy Aridor; Rafael Jimenez Duran; Ro’ee Levy; Lena SongThe Economics of Social MediaJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE, 2024
George Beknazar-Yuzbashev; Rafael Jimenez Duran; Mateusz StalinskiA Model of Harmful Yet Engaging Content on Social MediaAEA PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS, 2024
Clark, Todd E.; Huber, Florian; Koop, Gary; Marcellino, MassimilianoForecasting US inflation using Bayesian nonparametric modelsTHE ANNALS OF APPLIED STATISTICS, 2024
Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, MassimilianoCapturing macroeconomic tail risks with Bayesian vector autoregressionsJOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING, 2024
Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, Massimiliano; Mertens, ElmarAddressing COVID-19 outliers in BVARs with stochastic volatilityTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, 2024
Bilbiie, Florin; Monacelli, Tommaso; Perotti, RobertoStabilization vs. redistribution: the optimal monetary-fiscal mixJOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS, 2024
Morelli, Massimo; Ogliari, Laura; Hong, LongPower mismatch and civil conflict: an empirical investigationECONOMIC POLICY, 2024
Bellodi, Luca; Morelli, Massimo; Vannoni, MatiaA costly commitment: populism, economic performance, and the quality of bureaucracyAMERICAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, 2024
Honda, Jun; Inderst, Roman; Ottaviani, MarcoWhen liability is not enough: regulating bonus payments in markets with adviceMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2024
Auster, Sarah; Pavoni, NicolaOptimal delegation and information transmission under limited awarenessTHEORETICAL ECONOMICS, 2024
Forni, Mario; Gambetti, Luca; Maffei-Faccioli, Nicolò; Sala, LucaNonlinear transmission of financial shocks: some new evidenceJOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING, 2024
Abraham, Samira S.; Lanzara, Gianandrea; Lazzaroni, Sara; Masella, Paolo; Squicciarini, Mara P.Spatial and historical drivers of fake news diffusion: evidence from anti-Muslim discrimination in IndiaJOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS, 2024
Lanzara, Gianandrea; Lazzaroni, Sara; Masella, Paolo; Squicciarini, Mara P.Do bishops matter for politics? Evidence From ItalyJOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS, 2024
Juhász, Réka; Squicciarini, Mara P.; Voigtländer, NicoTechnology adoption and productivity growth: evidence from industrialization in FranceJOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 2024
Trigari, Antonella; Gorn, AlexeyAssessing the stabilizing effects of unemployment benefit extensionsAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. MACROECONOMICS, 2024
Sisco, Matthew R.; Constantino, Sara M.; Gao, Yu; Tavoni, Massimo; Cooperman, Alicia D.; Bosetti, Valentina; Weber, Elke U.Examining evidence for the finite pool of worry and finite pool of attention hypothesesGLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS, 2023
Carnehl, Christoph; Schneider, JohannesOn risk and time pressure: when to think and when to doJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2023
Carnehl, Christoph; Fukuda, Satoshi; Kos, NenadEpidemics with behaviorJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, 2023
Eichmeyer, Sarah; Zhang, JonathanPrimary care providers’ influence on opioid use and its adverse consequencesJOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS, 2023
Alfano, Marco; Goerlach, Joseph SimonTerrorism, media coverage and education: evidence from al-Shabaab attacks in KenyaJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2023
Goerlach, Joseph SimonBorrowing constraints and the dynamics of return and repeat migrationJOURNAL OF LABOR ECONOMICS, 2023
Le Barbanchon, Thomas; Ubfal, Diego; Araya, FedericoThe effects of working while in school: evidence from employment lotteriesAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. APPLIED ECONOMICS, 2023
Monacelli, Tommaso; Sala, Luca; Siena, DanieleReal interest rates and productivity in small open economiesJOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS, 2023
Monacelli, Tommaso; Quadrini, Vincenzo; Trigari, AntonellaFinancial markets and unemploymentJOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICS, 2023
Osnabrügge, Moritz; Ash, Elliott; Morelli, MassimoCross-domain topic classification for political textsPOLITICAL ANALYSIS, 2023
De La Roca, Jorge; Ottaviano, Gianmarco; Puga, DiegoCity of dreamsJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2023
Giavazzi, Francesco; Iglhaut, Felix; Lemoli, Giacomo; Rubera, GaiaTerrorist attacks, cultural incidents, and the vote for radical parties: analyzing text from TwitterAMERICAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, 2023
Adda, Jérôme; Dustmann, Christian; Goerlach, Joseph-SimonThe dynamics of return migration, human capital accumulation, and wage assimilationTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, 2022
Battaglini, Marco; Sciabolazza, Valerio Leone; Patacchini, Eleonora; Peng, Sidaeconet: an R package for parameter-dependent network centrality measuresJOURNAL OF STATISTICAL SOFTWARE, 2022
Battaglini, Marco; Patacchini, Eleonora; Rainone, EdoardoEndogenous social interactions with unobserved networksREVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, 2022
Anastasia, Giacomo; Boeri, Tito; Kudlyak, Marianna; Zholud, OleksandrThe labor market in Ukraine: rebuild betterRebuilding Ukraine: principles and policies, 2022
Boeri, Tito; Garibaldi, Pietro; Moen, Espen R.In medio stat victus: labor demand effects of an increase in the retirement ageJOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS, 2022
Basso Gaetano; Boeri Tito; Caiumi, Alessandro; Paccagnella, MarcoUnsafe Jobs, labour market risk and social protectionECONOMIC POLICY, 2022
Grubb, Michael; Okereke, Chukwumerije; Arima, Jun; Bosetti, Valentina; Chen, Ying; Edmonds, James; Gupta, Shreekant; Köberle, Alexandre; Kverndokk, Snorre; Malik, Arunima; Sulistiawati, Linda YantiIntroduction and framingIPCC, 2022: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2022
Van Vuuren, Detlef P.; Zimm, Caroline; Busch, Sebastian; Kriegler, Elmar; Leininger, Julia; Messner, Dirk; Nakicenovic, Nebojsa; Rockstrom, Johan; Riahi, Keywan; Sperling, Frank; Bosetti, Valentina; Cornell, Sarah; Gaffney, Owen; Lucas, Paul L.; Popp, Alexander; Ruhe, Constantin; Von Schiller, Armin; Schmidt, Jorn O.; Soergel, BjoernDefining a sustainable development target space for 2030 and 2050ONE EARTH, 2022
Bosetti, Valentina; Dennig, Francis; Liu, Ning; Tavoni, Massimo; Weber, Elke U.Forward-looking belief elicitation enhances intergenerational beneficenceENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE ECONOMICS, 2022
Drouet, Laurent; Bosetti, Valentina; Tavoni, MassimoNet economic benefits of well-below 2°C scenarios and associated uncertaintiesOxford Open Climate Change, 2022
A'Hearn, Brian; Delfino, Alexia; Nuvolari, AlessandroRethinking age heaping: a cautionary tale from nineteenth-century ItalyTHE ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW, 2022
Eichmeyer, Sarah; Zhang, JonathanPathways into opioid dependence: evidence from practice variation in emergency departmentsAMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. APPLIED ECONOMICS, 2022
Hensel, Lukas; Witte, Marc; Caria, Stefano; Fetzer, Thiemo; Fiorin, Stefano; Goetz, Friedrich M.; Gomez, Margarita; Haushofer, Johannes; Ivchenko, Andriy; Kraft-Todd, Gordon; Reutskaja, Elena; Roth, Christopher; Yoeli, Erez; Jachimowicz, Jon M.Global behaviors, perceptions, and the emergence of social norms at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemicJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION, 2022
Pamela Giustinelli; Charles F. Manski; Francesca MolinariTail and center rounding of probabilistic expectations in the health and retirement studyJOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 2022
Giustinelli, Pamela; Manski, Charles F.; Molinari, FrancescaPrecise or imprecise probabilities? Evidence from survey response related to late-onset dementiaJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2022
Iovino, Luigi; La'O, Jennifer; Mascarenhas, RuiOptimal monetary policy and disclosure with an informationally-constrained central bankerJOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS, 2022
Cunat, Alejandro; Deak, Szabolcs; Maffezzoli, MarcoTax cuts in open economiesREVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, 2022
Foroni, Claudia; Marcellino, Massimiliano; Stevanovic, DaliborForecasting the Covid-19 recession and recovery: lessons from the financial crisisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING, 2022
Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, MassimilianoNowcasting tail risk to economic activity at a weekly frequencyJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 2022
Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, MassimilianoCorrigendum: Measuring uncertainty and its impact on the economy (vol. 100, pg. 799, 2018)THE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, 2022
Carriero, Andrea; Corsello, Francesco; Marcellino, MassimilianoThe global component of inflation volatilityJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 2022
Bai, Yu; Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, MassimilianoMacroeconomic forecasting in a multi-country contextJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 2022
Carriero, Andrea; Chan, Joshua; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, MassimilianoCorrigendum to “Large Bayesian vector autoregressions with stochastic volatility and non-conjugate priors” [J. Econometrics 212 (1) (2019) 137–154]JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 2022
Gratton, Gabriele; Morelli, MassimoOptimal checks and balances under policy uncertaintyINTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2022
Nichter, Simeon; Nunnari, SalvatoreDeclared support and clientelismCOMPARATIVE POLITICAL STUDIES, 2022
Henry, Emeric; Loseto, Marco; Ottaviani, MarcoRegulation with experimentation: ex ante approval, ex post withdrawal, and liabilityMANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 2022
Campo, Francesco; Mendola, Mariapia; Morrison, Andrea; Ottaviano, GianmarcoTalents and cultures: immigrant inventors and ethnic diversity in the age of mass migrationJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2022
Serafinelli, Michel; Tabellini, GuidoCreativity over time and space: a historical analysis of European citiesJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GROWTH, 2022
Schivardi, Fabiano; Sette, Enrico; Tabellini, GuidoCredit misallocation during the European financial crisisECONOMIC JOURNAL, 2022
Berger, Loic; Berger, Nicolas; Bosetti, Valentina; Gilboa, Itzhak; Hansen, Lars Peter; Jarvis, Christopher; Marinacci, Massimo; Smith, Richard D.Rational policymaking during a pandemicPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2021
Jan David Bakker; Stephan Maurer; Jörn-Steffen Pischke; Ferdinand RauchOf mice and merchants: connectedness and the location of economic activity in the Iron ageTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, 2021
Boeri, Tito; Ichino, Andrea; Moretti, Enrico; Posch, JohannaWage equalization and regional misallocation: evidence from Italian and German provincesJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2021
Peng, Wei; Iyer, Gokul; Bosetti, Valentina; Chaturvedi, Vaibhav; Edmonds, James; Fawcett, Allen A.; Hallegatte, Stephane; Victor, David G.; Van Vuuren, Detlef; Weyant, JohnClimate policy models need to get real about people - here's howNATURE, 2021
Decarolis, Francesco; Rovigatti, GabrieleFrom mad men to maths men: concentration and buyer power in online advertisingTHE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2021
Di Tillio, Alfredo; Ottaviani, Marco; Sørensen, Peter NormanStrategic sample selectionECONOMETRICA, 2021
Goerlach, Joseph-Simon; Motz, NicolasSpillovers and strategic interaction in immigration policyJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, 2021
Barrot, Jean-Noël; Grassi, Basile; Sauvagnat, JulienSectoral effects of social distancingAEA Papers and Proceedings, 2021
Luigi IovinoLiquidity insurance with market informationJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2021
Golosov, Mikhail; Iovino, LuigiSocial insurance, information revelation, and lack of commitmentJOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 2021
Auster, Sarah; Kos, Nenad; Piccolo, SalvatoreOptimal pricing, private information and search for an outside offerRAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 2021
Hensvik, Lena; Le Barbanchon, Thomas; Rathelot, RolandJob search during the COVID-19 crisisJOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS, 2021
Le Barbanchon, Thomas; Rathelot, Roland; Roulet, AlexandraGender differences in job search: trading off commute against wageQUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 2021
Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, MassimilianoNo-arbitrage priors, drifting volatilities, and the term structure of interest ratesJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 2021
Giraitis, Liudas; Kapetanios, George; Marcellino, MassimilianoTime-varying instrumental variable estimationJOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 2021
Bilbiie, Florin; Monacelli, Tommaso; Perotti, RobertoFiscal policy in Europe: controversies over rules, mutual insurance, and centralizationTHE JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES, 2021
Gratton, Gabriele; Guiso, Luigi; Michelacci, Claudio; Morelli, MassimoFrom Weber to Kafka: political instability and the overproduction of lawsTHE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2021
Vannoni, Matia; Ash, Elliott; Morelli, MassimoMeasuring discretion and delegation in legislative texts: methods and application to US statesPOLITICAL ANALYSIS, 2021
Nunnari, SalvatoreDynamic legislative bargaining with veto power: theory and experimentsGAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, 2021
Bergemann, Dirk; Ottaviani, MarcoInformation markets and nonmarketsHandbook of industrial organization, 2021
Thierry Mayer; Marc J. Melitz; Gianmarco I. P. OttavianoProduct mix and firm productivity responses to trade competitionTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, 2021
Schmitz, TomEndogenous growth, firm heterogeneity and the long-run impact of financial crisesEUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2021
Alberto Martin; Enrique Moral-Benito; Tom SchmitzThe financial transmission of housing booms: evidence from SpainTHE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2021
Müller, Karsten; Schwarz, CarloFanning the flames of hate: social media and hate crimeJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2021
Fetzer, Thiemo; Schwarz, CarloTariffs and politics: evidence from Trump’s trade warsECONOMIC JOURNAL, 2021
Mehrotra, Neil R.; Sergeyev, DmytroDebt sustainability in a low interest rate worldJOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS, 2021
Mehrotra, Neil; Sergeyev, DmytroFinancial shocks, firm credit and the Great RecessionJOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS, 2021
Giampaolo Bonomi; Nicola Gennaioli; Guido TabelliniIdentity, beliefs, and political conflictQuarterly Journal of Economics, 2021
Matejka, Filip; Tabellini, GuidoElectoral competition with rationally inattentive votersJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, 2021
Torres, Carlos; Ogbu-Nwobodo, Lucy; Alsan, Marcella; Stanford, Fatima Cody; Banerjee, Abhijit; Breza, Emily; Chandrasekhar, Arun G.; Eichmeyer, Sarah; Karnani, Mohit; Loisel, Tristan; Goldsmith-Pinkham, Paul; Olken, Benjamin A.; Vautrey, Pierre-Luc; Warner, Erica; Duflo, EstherEffect of physician-delivered COVID-19 public health messages and messages acknowledging racial inequity on black and white adults’ knowledge, Beliefs, and practices related to COVID-19: a randomized clinical trialJAMA NETWORK OPEN, 2021
Alsan, Marcella; Stanford, Fatima Cody; Banerjee, Abhijit; Breza, Emily; Chandrasekhar, Arun G.; Eichmeyer, Sarah; Goldsmith-Pinkham, Paul; Ogbu-Nwobodo, Lucy; Olken, Benjamin A.; Torres, Carlos; Sankar, Anirudh; Vautrey, Pierre-Luc; Duflo, EstherComparison of knowledge and information-seeking behavior after general COVID-19 public health messages and messages tailored for black and atinx communities: a randomized controlled trialANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, 2021
Breza, Emily; Stanford, Fatima Cody; Alsan, Marcella; Alsan, Burak; Banerjee, Abhijit; Chandrasekhar, Arun G.; Eichmeyer, Sarah; Glushko, Traci; Goldsmith-Pinkham, Paul; Holland, Kelly; Hoppe, Emily; Karnani, Mohit; Liegl, Sarah; Loisel, Tristan; Ogbu-Nwobodo, Lucy; Olken, Benjamin A.; Torres, Carlos; Vautrey, Pierre-Luc; Warner, Erica T.; Wootton, Susan; Duflo, EstherEffects of a large-scale social media advertising campaign on holiday travel and COVID-19 infections: a cluster randomized controlled trialNATURE MEDICINE, 2021
Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, MassimilianoUsing time-varying volatility for identification in Vector Autoregressions: an application to endogenous uncertaintyJOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, 2021
Masciandaro, Donato; Romelli, DavideTwin peaks and central banks : economics, political economy and comparative analysisThe Cambridge handbook of Twin Peaks financial regulation, 2021
Lee, Lung-Fei; Liu, Xiaodong; Patacchini, Eleonora; Zenou, YvesWho is the key player? A network analysis of juvenile delinquencyJOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS, 2021
Jerome Adda; Christian Decker; Marco OttavianiP-hacking in clinical trials and how incentives shape the distribution of results across phasesPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2020
Leonardo Bursztyn; Georgy Egorov; Stefano FiorinFrom extreme to mainstream: the erosion of social normsTHE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2020
Calvano, Emilio; Polo, MicheleStrategic differentiation by business models: free-to-air and pay-TVECONOMIC JOURNAL, 2020
Squicciarini, Mara PasquamariaDevotion and development: religiosity, education, and economic progress in nineteenth-century FranceTHE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2020
Mark Gertler; Chris Huckfeldt; Antonella TrigariUnemployment fluctuations, match quality, and the wage cyclicality of new hiresTHE REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, 2020
Alesina, Alberto; Favero, Carlo; Giavazzi, FrancescoAusterity : when it works and when it doesn't2019
Forni, Mario; Gambetti, Luca; Sala, LucaStructural VARs and noninvertible macroeconomic modelsJOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 2019